- Bleach kills mould. Not only does bleach lose potency from the moment it is manufactured, most household bleach is simply not strong enough to kill mould even when fresh.
- You only have to worry about mould after a water leak. While mould loves wet areas all mould needs to grow is some humidity.
- Small mould colonies are not that bad. Small mould colonies are signs of a much bigger problem, and if left untreated will end up becoming a very big problem.
- Once the mould is gone you can forget about it. Mould is all around us, as soon as you clean it up it will reappear- that is unless you have taken steps to control the mould such as improving ventilation or using a proven product such as Green-Goo.
Only Black Mould is Deadly. Actually it doesn't actually matter what color the mould is as given the right conditions lots of different moulds can produce mycotoxins.