You need to KILL mould before you can get rid of it otherwise it WILL come back. Most mould "cleaners" simply make mould transparent, as it's never actually killed so the mould comes back with a vengeance!
Green-Goo Anti Mould Spray KILLS mould and is an excellent primer before using the Green-Goo Power crystal Gels to inhibit further mould growth in indoor spaces.
Specially formulated using our proprietary formulation of mould killing essential oils Green-Goo smells lovely while killing nasty mould.
To sanitise your House with Green-Goo Anti Mould spray just spray, wait 20 minutes for it to sink in and kill the mould, then clean off with a cloth.
This is the most economical way to purchase this product- BYO spray head and you're all set to tackle some serious mould issues. Please note while the container may change due to availability, the contents will be the same.